Working Out at Home

The other day I wrote about how we love food. You can not be quarantined and consume as much food as we have and not gain weight. The Little One and I have actually been working out more consistently than we did before.

There are many options for working out at home. Treadmills, free weights, jogging, jump rope, bands. But if you don’t have those things at home and you can’t get them from Amazon or grab them at Walmart when you get your groceries. There are a few other options for you.

I have a Beach body account which actually my girls use. I like Figure 8 fitness because it is basically dancing much like Rumba. It is interesting how you can do crunches standing up and hurt like a mug the next day.

Pinterest and YouTube have a ton of options as well. Pinterest, of course, is going to be a plan or lead you to another website to see the moves but it also has 21-day plans for your arms or booty. Whatever spot you want to firm up before summer gets here. Funny how we always use summer as an excuse.

I have always been a Bruno Mars fan and lately, I have been using YouTube to do some Zumba to Bruno Mars. This is my favorite for now.

This video is only a few minutes long and the suggested time to work out is 30 minutes. There are plenty more videos on YouTube to choose from. Other performers, other forms of fitness. You could learn a specific dance if you want for a summer wedding. Or tone a specific area. Learn self-defense while getting fit. The list goes on and on. Check it out and most of all have fun!

2 Comments on Working Out at Home

  1. Fun and exercise do not belong together….

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