What is You Favorite Movie?

I have always loved going to the movies. When I was a child you could save bottle caps and get in for free. My brother enjoyed movies too so we would go together…sometimes when he allowed.

When Titanic came out I wasn’t real excited about sitting for so long 195 minuets is a long time (3.25 hours) I had had the Little One 9 months earlier and some things just were back to normal yet. I had no clue they would never be back to normal.

With in just the first few minuets I was hooked. The Cinematography was beautiful and I was semi familiar with the history of Titanic being found at the bottom of the ocean. When I saw the shot of the sunken ship turn into the bright and shiny one I was a fan and couldn’t wait to see how it all played out. And here is the hook, I know what happens!

I still watched closely as the story played out in front of me. Many of the characters familiar to me (loved the Unsinkable Molly Brown!) and the love story between Rose and Jack obviously thrown in but written so well that it was believable. The history was pretty accurate but just to be sure I think I read three or four books about it afterward. And it was just about spot on.

Fans will forever wonder why Jack didn’t get on that stinking door. Looked like there was plenty of room for him, didn’t it? What is your favorite movie, which one could you watch over and over and why?