Watch Out! She has a ‘Tude

Every day we have a choice on how the day is going to be, yes? I know there are things that will influence your attitude. How well you slept, the weather, co-workers, children that don’t want to go to school, a crabby spouse, the dog went to the bathroom in the house again. The list goes on and on.

We are thinking people and we have a choice of how we will respond to all of this stimulus. I know we don’t always get it right (At least I don’t) but what is our responsibility to the people around us? On that day when you are grouchy for no reason. Or just can’t shake off a bad attitude? What is our responsibilty to the people around us?

And why is it so stinking hard to shake it off sometimes?

I will actually warn people that I am in a bad mood and therefore they have been warned. I would walk into work and tell the receptionist so she could warn people as well. I don’t know if she ever did. Then go to my office and shut the door. I tell my family as well. Sometimes I just need to be left alone. No human contact and when I have told you this unless you have a broken bone, are bleeding from somewhere, or the house is on fire you should probably heed my warning. If I say MIGRAINE in the sentence too just leave me alone until I give the all-clear. lol

I can usually readjust my attitude with some music or ocean sounds (remember my self-care) but man until I get to that new attitude I am a force to be reconded with. Is anyone else like that?

I guess my question today is; Is that the way to handle it or should I work harder at adjusting my attitude? We are having a bit of a debate here at my home about how to handle things like this. How do you guys deal with bad attitude days? I look forward to reading your responses. Feel free to change the names to protect the goofy. lol

2 Comments on Watch Out! She has a ‘Tude

  1. I seldom have a bad attitude. Must have gave them all to you. 🤗

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