Valentine’s Day Grinch

Image result for grinch heart

I am not a fan of Valentine’s day. I think there is too much pressure put on this one day of the year to profess your love for someone and make a HUGE deal out of it. I wanted to post this early so when other social media puts the big squeeze on you here is one blogger saying if you feel like you must celebrate then how about these options?

Valentine’s Day is on Friday this year, the end of the work week, everyone will be wore out. Do you really want to put on your high heals and your spanx, go out to an overpriced meal (because they upped the price by 35% for the holiday) and pay a baby sitter, because the calendar said you have to? How about a pizza and a movie snuggled on the couch with your family. Not buying presents no one really needs so close after Christmas would probably be a better gift to each other.

Next, put those little people to bed if you have them. Get your wedding album out and share some good memories. Have a good laugh, maybe shed a tear or two. It could become a memorable evening.

Maybe I am not such a Valentine’s Grinch after all. I just think you should show each other love every day. Don’t ever let Social Media (or this blogger) tell you what you “should” do. I can’t expect Big E to make all the plans, who says it is the guys responsibility to do the spoiling. So I guess I will get busy. If you know of an awesome gluten-free pizza option, I would love to know about it!