Valentine’s Day

How Sweet it is to be Loved by You

Hello everyone! Here is the day that lovers young and old wait for and anticipate with baited breath. At least that is what I have been told lol. Look I know I have already said I am a Grinch and I kind of am, I admit that. Part of the reason is the pressure of the day. Young girls buy into it. The poor young guys really can’t afford it. The helicopter parents that pay for an extravagent Valentine’s Day for kids should have their heads examined. Yes, I said it….

What is it that your Valentine would really like? A home made meal, a foot rub, a hand written note of appreciation, an apology for something you have been disagreeing on? All of those things would probably mean a whole lot more than an expensive dinner and flowers, candies, and gifts.

This predictable gal will be at home with Big E and the Little One watching a movie, eating gluten free Mexican food and asleep by 10:00 my how things have changed. However you chose to celebrate I hope you have a really sweet time with the ones you love.

1 Comment on Valentine’s Day

  1. Reflectionsunpredictablelife | February 14, 2020 at 6:46 pm |

    So as life would have it as unpredictable as it is, the Little One flew to see her boyfriend so she isn’t here and things will be really exciting at the house tonight… because we are watching two little ones! LOL An 18 month and a 4 year old so that their mom and dad can be at a marriage conference. Dinner will still be gluten free and I know without a doubt we will be asleep by 10:00 but snuggled up to little ones ~ how sweet it is! <3

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