Tres Amigas

Some of you may be fans of the Bravo Show The Real Housewives of Orange County and on there is three ladies ( I use that term loosely) that refer to themselves as the Tres Amigas – which means three friends. That is why I titled this post Tres Amigas because I am blessed to have three very good friends that I have had in my life since grade school. Now this is one of the things that actually worked liked I hoped as a child but….not exactly. You see M has been in my life consistently while N and K disappeared for a while as life took all of us in different directions. (Obviously I haven’t asked their permission yet to use their names on my blog.) People talk a lot about finding their soulmate and they are speaking of finding true love and a romantic partner. I can tell you that I feel like I found my soul mate in these three friends and we have loved each for a long time. Isn’t that a soul mate? We have endured life’s ups and downs, marriages, babies, moving across country, miscarriages, divorce, moving back, remarriage, divorce, remarriage, divorce, yes one of us has been divorced a couple of times (it happens) our children getting married, having babies of their own and we almost lost N in the summer of 2016 something that really brought the reality of life to us all. The average American has three friends for life, five people they like and would like to spend more time with and eight people they like but don’t seek out. Most people have remained close with the friends they met when they were younger. I have three of the best. We have agreed and disagreed, held each other accountable, wept and laughed together for a long time. I am not sure where I’d be without my Tres Amigas because when I reflect on this unpredictable life, one of them it right there with me.