Travel, Solve a Mystery, Have a Romance – Read a Book!

Do you ever get lost in a book? Start reading it and lose track of time. The story is so good you just can’t put it down. Its delicious isn’t it? Kind of an interesting word to use but a good book can feed your soul. A good book can take you on a trip, make you laugh out loud, cry. Oh I love a good book!

I don’t read books online. I had a kindle but it gave me a headache. Every time I used it I got a super bad migraine. Not good. I also missed holding the book, the smell of the book. I guess its just one more thing in my life that I will remain old school as long as possible.

And that will be kind of easy to do for me because…I own a ton of books. I always thought I had a lot of books but when we moved recently I found out we actually own a small library of books. I can’t wait to put up shelves in Big E’s office and some in the family room for all of these books. I have two bookshelves up now and my mom (the retired Librarian) very kindly put my books in order for me. I was so excited to see them there and in order. Thank you, mom!

My Aunt enjoys reading too and has given the children books over the years so between mom and my aunt I have a children’s library. Right now everything is still in bins and I haven’t decided if I will give them to the kids or if they will stay here at Grandma’s house – that is when I become Grandma.

See how I am about my books! I don’t lend them out very often. I lent one to a friend and it came back damaged. I told her I couldn’t lend her another one. If I lend one to someone I write it down, who has it and when it was lent out so I can get it back. I don’t write in my books either. The kids had to write in some books in English class in high school and it just about gave me the hives. I see people write in their Bible…Ummm no. Between you and me, I think you might go to hell for that. Just kidding. Maybe.

You get the point. I love to read and I try to take care of my books. I don’t read as much as I used to because I spend so much time on the computer reading all day. The other reason is when I get involved in a book I don’t want to put it down and I can lose a Saturday to a good book when there are other things that need to be accomplished.

Sometimes you do need to take a day off. Give in to the story, travel the world, learn something new, have a romance, figure out a mystery, cry for a fallen hero, learn about a person in history by reading a book.