Travel, learn, have a romance,and never leave your house.

I love to read a good book. There is nothing quite like getting lost in a story, to need to know what is going to happen on the next page. I have lost a lot of sleep because I was caught up in what the author had written and wanted to know what was next in the particular adventure that was going on in the tale that I was consuming. I have traveled the world, learned about history,traveled in time, got caught up in the whirlwind of a romance or a mystery and never left my house. And true to just about everything else about me I am old school with this as well. I had a kindle but it gave me a headache. It now resides in a box in the basement. I love to hold the book, turn the pages, I adore the smell of a new book and better yet the musty smell of an old book and wonder who might have owned it previously and why they didn’t keep this treasure. I want to dig in and take off on the adventure that the story is offering me. I guess it is not surprising then that I have a lot of books. Not a few, I have a mini-library. Some people go to the Library and I go sometimes. I used to go more often when the children were little. But I must admit I like to own my books so that I can go back and reread them whenever I want to. I have read Eve’s Daughters by Lynn Austin multiple times. I am hesitant to loan my books out because I once had a friend return a book extremely damaged and I told her right on the spot, that she couldn’t borrow any more books. I don’t write in them either. When the kids were in high school all three of them took an English class where they had to take notes in the book – it almost gave me the hives. I know some people take notes in their Bible…I think you go to hell for that… just kidding…Maybe.

My mother is a retired Librarian and in October when I had knee surgery she not only helped me recover but helped me to start organizing all of my books. It was exciting to have them organized by a professional! I also have a mini children’s library because my Aunt has been kind enough to gift my children over the years with books for birthdays and holidays and they are all ferocious readers too. The decision I have to make now is, do I let them have the books when they have children or do they stay here with me so as Grandma I can read them to the next generation.

So there is one more secret out of the box. I am a total reading geek who loves to hoard her own secret stash of books. That was probably predictable that a storyteller, likes to read stories as well. I am looking forward to putting up shelves in Big E’s office and in the family room and having mom come out and help me organize the rest of the books that I own. And then start off on more adventures! And buy more books!

If you have never thought you like reading give it another try. When you know a snowstorm or rainy day is coming, plan for it. Go to the library (we still have them) or a local used book shop, or Goodwill if you don’t want to pay full price and find a book and curl up on the couch and see what I am talking about. It is a great way to spend a Saturday and recharge and do a little self-care. Do you have a favorite book that you have read over and over? I’d love to know what it is and why.

Have a great weekend!

4 Comments on Travel, learn, have a romance,and never leave your house.

  1. I’m finding lots of similarities between us….

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | March 2, 2020 at 1:38 pm |

      I am not surprised, Dad has called me Patsy from time to time. LOL

  2. I’m ready to start organizing any time.

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