My Tiny Little Computer

How has your phone changed your life? At first you might say, it hasn’t or not much. But really think about it. It is a crazy little phenomenon. We spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. We can “talk” to people on social networks and they might live on the other side of the world. People walk around all the time with their faces in their phones. The funny thing is these aren’t just phones, they are tiny little computers that have more computer power in them than the first rocket we sent into space. All of this power, in this phone that fits into my hands. I was struggling with my I-phone when I first got it and one of my kids said, “you have to stop thinking that you are only holding a phone and remember its a computer, a tiny, little computer.” A light bulb totally went on!

Now that I have that figured out, I can surf the net on my phone like nobody’s business. Remember when people started saying “there’s an app for that.” Yes, there is and it is downloaded on my phone -my tiny little computer – thank you very much! All of us can search for information, book a vacation, read scripture, watch a video, figure out a mathematical equation, select plants for our landscape, build a new car, shop for groceries, take a picture, plus a whole lot more all on our phone – our tiny little computer.

I love the information that you can obtain from a Google search. I’m not a fan of going to the doctor so if I can figure out what to do with an injury or take care of something holistically from an Internet search that is how I would rather do it. (*that is just my opinion) I have an Amazon Prime account and live near a distribution center. The speed in which I receive things from Amazon is amazing! (I have the VISA bill to prove it.) I also watch YouTube videos to fix things all on my phone – my tiny little computer.

All of these things are nice. They certainly make my life easier and more productive. Yet I still need to connect with other people. I send a lot of texts during the day so that friends or collogues can read it at their convenience and get back to me in the same manner. But you know sometimes, I take that little phone, that tiny little computer, I pick it up and I call someone and have an honest to goodness conversation. Now how unpredictable is that?