The Gift of Encouragement

I recently started a new position with a new company and that means I get to do all of the informational classes that nobody likes. And guess what? It is my department that hosts those classes and meetings so I like to make them as interesting and interactive as possible. Even the most interested person will get bored after a while and if you are sitting there like we are right now with the required masks, breathing in ones own carbon dioxide while sitting listening to policies and procedures that are very similar to the last company you worked for it will make you want to take a nap.

We have in this particular group people that are totally green and a couple of people that have years of experience in the field. What I have observed is an amazing amount of encouragement these people are extending to each other. I have not heard one snarky remark or side conversation in this extremely diverse group of people.

Over and over again this week I have watched them support one another in team-building events or encourage someone who felt they could not answer a specific question correctly. There have been gentle and appropriate teasing as new work friendships are being developed but not one word of discouragement has been uttered in my presence. We have unfortunately had some IT issues all week but not one person has said anything negative.

Watching this has been a gift to me. I have heard people some really off the wall and negative stuff recently and I could never have predicted on this day, at this time in our country that I would have watched the encouragement that this group has displayed to each other. Keep on being positive and encouraging to each other and to all of those whose path you cross. Thank you, ladies, for restoring my faith in humanity. It will be an honor to watch you develop and prosper!