Soul Mates or Hard Work?

Do you believe in soulmates? That there is just one person that is waiting for you somewhere and he/she is “the one” you are supposed to be with and they will full fill you in every way? Call me jaded but I don’t believe in this theory. I don’t think the world works that way. Are there stories of love at first sight and they got married as young people and now they are old and gray married for 70 plus years. Absolutely! I just watched the 72nd Anniversary parade for a couple who met, he said I love you on the first date and 72 years later they are still married. That is sweet so very very sweet but I promise you they are not soul mates. They are two people who made a CHOICE to stick it out and work together when things got hard and when things got tough.

When they married it was 1948 and the world has spun around many times since then, everything has changed so much. For example, the average income was $2950.00 annually and the average cost of a home was $7,700.00. The stats 72 years later are that the average income in 2019 was $63,302.00 and the average cost of a home $207,400.00. Do you know what hasn’t changed in these years? This couple’s commitment to each other.

It takes hard work friends and anyone married or in a committed relationship for more than six months can tell you that at one time or another you are going to have to have a chat with yourself and then with the person that you are in a relationship with to finally work together respectfully to work things out.

I really hope that this lovely couple I saw on the news has had a wonderful life and hopefully, the challenges that they have had in this crazy world have been few and far between. Soul mates? I doubt it. People determined to make it work, be respectful, and love unconditionally is more like it.

From the moment I saw this movie in 1999, this clip has stuck with me for the realism of the words used in the proposal. A guarantee of hard times but you are the only one for me…you say yes to this and you are also saying yes to these words… you are saying yes not to your soul mate but to the person you love enough to stick it out with. Something that has become very unpredictable nowadays.