Seperate Under One Roof

Here at our house all three of us have different ideas of what is entertaining and it has made for some interesting moments during the quarantine. Big E and the Little One are still working so that helps. As for me, I have been laid off since October. I am one of those that is actually going to get a raise and an extension (I think) on employment. Between you and me – I would rather go back to work. I am bored!

I play music all day so it is a good thing that I am at the opposite end of the house as the two people that are working. That is my entertainment. The Little One usually has her personal laptop fired up to a movie or something in her room when she works and Jack is by her side. If it is something super important she works from the dining room table with nothing extra going on.

Big E works in what would for any other family be the living room but he quickly called dibs on it and now it is his office. He has two screens going all the time and one is usually his entertainment which is something involving the housing market, the stock market or an auction. Oddly enough I can hear him on the phone when he is on it even though I am at the opposite end. Why do men yell into a cell phone? Or the men I know anyway

When the workday is we have dinner which has become an adventure as well because of course, no one wants the same things. But we have all pitched in and gotten creative with what is in the freezer to keep from having to go to the grocery store any more than necessary. And then… we tend to go our separate ways in the house. We have had a game night here and there but I believe I have told you how competitive my family can be so only a couple is probably a good thing.

We go our separate ways not because we don’t like each other’s company. (I think) it is because again, we find different things entertaining. I usually give the kitchen a thorough cleaning – again. Check for what else I feel needs to be disinfected and then go to the master to watch a movie, read a book, if the weather cooperates walk Jack. The Little One goes to her room to call her boyfriend and stay in touch and honestly I don’t know what Big E is looking at on his computer in his office or watching on YouTube in the family room its usually a “how-to” video of some sort.

I thought that the quarantine might actually bring us together tighter and a unit but I am not finding that to be true. After all, we are who we are no matter what right? Looks like we need our independence while under the same roof. So I keep on singing while I work, the Little One will do multiple things like the average Millenial and Big E will…well I don’t know what he’s doing LOL. As long as we are adhering to social distancing and respecting other’s privacy I guess that is all that matters.