Self-Care at Work

I love lists. I love checking things off. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It also helps me be efficient. I think it has helped me in my career. At work Post It notes are my best friend. If something is urgent I can write it on what I call a sticky and put it on my p.c. and it is there for me to see until it is taken care of because let’s face it when you are a person that sometimes walks into a room and forgets why you walked in there, you might very well forget to do something that that just could not wait like finishing what was on the last Post It note.

Lists and Stickies are a form of self-care for me. Other people tease me because I don’t use technology to keep my lists and I am o.k. with that. I also keep an old fashioned desk calendar that has all kinds of notes on it. A spiral-bound notebook like we used to have in school is with me at every meeting. Notes and notes and notes. Go to the next meeting, turn the page, notes and notes and notes. Oh, you have a question? Three pages back there is the answer in my notes. (well most of the time) I am almost like a baby with their blanket and I have taken some ribbing from younger co-workers for it. It works for me and helps me keep my crap together. My self-care because I can really get rattled when I can not find something I need. I don’t ask them why they are scrolling in their phone I don’t know why they have an issue with my notebooks. Does the sound of pages turning in my notebook bother you?

There are many articles on self-care that urge you to meditate, light a candle, drink tea, do yoga. You can kind of do some of these things at work. Believe me, I have prayed/mediated before walking into a meeting. I haven’t seen many that talk to you about self-care at work. That’s why I shared this with you today. Maybe there is something you need to take a closer look at in your workspace after all you spend 40 plus hours there a week so if that would help you have a more pleasant and therefore, more productive day I say, do it! Ignore any of the naysayers and do what you need to do and have a super fantastic day, everyday at work. If you have any other ideas I would love to hear them. Have a great weekend everyone!