Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Heart

Are you finding that people are reaching out to you right now to see how you are doing? Are you surprised by some of them? If there is one thing I am enjoying right now it is people that are checking to see how I am that I have not heard from in a long time.

Don’t get me wrong my besties and I am in almost daily communication by calling or texting or giving each other “the business” on Facebook but there is something nice about a friend that you haven’t heard from or lost touch with all together checking in on you.

I believe people are taking the extra effort to connect with people as we all need a sense of community even if by phone or facetime. Public Service Announcement – don’t Facetime me, don’t like it… the angels are awful, I won’t answer. I do Facetime with MommaBear but that is because she is my child. But I digress. I am enjoying watching the creativity that people are coming up with to let others know that they are loved and appreciated. There has been a parade for several people I know to say happy birthday. One will take place tomorrow for a young lady with special needs.

I know in my family alone my brother has gotten a new granddaughter and the hospital was not going to let the father in with his daughter because he wasn’t there yet and she had begun labor. (they did) No one could visit and celebrate this new little one. So many pictures have been taken and sent to us. The gifts that were purchased are still here because we can concern about sending them. I sent them pictures of the gifts that are coming. Strange but I wanted to know that I was celebrating the baby.

Momma Bear has had her second anniversary and a major birthday since this started. I expect we will still be in quarantine when the Viking has his next birthday but hopefully we will have started the new normal by the time the Little One has her birthday and we can have a big blowout for everyone. (Momma Bear did tell me that if I showed up at her door she would not let me in. She did however, accept the yellow roses I sent her.)

I know all of this feels as if it is getting long and drawn out but at the end of the day it is for our own safety. So why not get creative with it? Facetime if that is your thing, or write a letter or note to someone, do a drive-by visit respecting the social distancing requirements, send a small gift if it is in your budget.

As I have been typing this the old Diana Ross song has been playing in my head – Reach Out and Touch (Somebody’s Hand) here is the link to hear it just replace the word Hand with Heart. Stay safe!