Pet Peeves

I think this one is going to be fun because lets face it, what bothers one person does not bother another and yet many of us have some of the same pet peeves. Today I am going to share some of my favorite Pet Peeves (is that an oxymoron?) with you I can’t wait to hear some of yours. Lets get started.

1) I can not stand it when someone is in my personal space. When you are talking to me, unless you are giving me top secret information that is going to save the world, and I am the person that just has to know it, please stay where I can look you in the eye and have a conversation. I just don’t need or want you in my space. It makes me uncomfortable. Plus, I don’t hear as well as I used to I spend a lot of time lip reading. Please back up, it will make the conversation easier, and much more pleasant for everyone. If you are behind me in line, please do NOT stand right on top of me. Stand back because if you don’t I will turn around and give you the stink eye because I think that you are trying to figure out how you can take my wallet, which by the way would be a HUGE waste of your time. Or worse I am thinking you really need to back into the main part of the store and pick up some deodorant or shampoo because as my hearing has worsened my sense of smell has become sharp and you are standing too close to me! Yuk! So please stay out of my personal space.

2) Driver’s who can’t make up their mind on the highway. I have spent a lot of time driving “down south” on Route 57 it is a straight shot south. I put my cruise control on 10 m.p.h. more than the posted speed and cruise. I move along listening to my music having a lovely time until I come up on that person that is not going fast in the fast lane, I have to tap the break to turn off my cruise, grrr, adjust speed, wait for them to get a clue, get out of my way and then I can continue at the previous speed. All is good I drive along for 20 minuets or so and who passes me – slow guy – you know what will happen we will repeat the afore mentioned scenario several times until one of us gets off at their exit. Good grief!

3) When someone uses the last of the toilet paper and does not replace it. I think I have family and coworkers that think the spring action in the toilet paper holder will pinch their fingers off. I was thinking of putting a diagram together and hanging it on the wall to show how easy replacement of this daily used item is to make it easier for those around me. Totally frustrating.

4) When a person covered in tattoos says they can’t give blood because they are afraid of needles. O.K. wait, so you can spend your time and hard earned money to have someone poke you over and over again with a needle for a tattoo with that fear BUT you can not give one and a half hour of your time to give blood that could SAVE A LIFE because you are afraid of needles.

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5) In every workplace there is a jerk. Why is that, and why does every company put up with it? I remember when my son starting working he was telling a story about work and it ended with, he is such a jerk! And I told him to get used to it because there is a jerk at every job. But you know, the older I get, and working in Human Resources I have to wonder, why do companies put up with company jerks? When there is this one person that everyone seems to dislike it really doesn’t matter how good they are at their job, productivity does go down when they are around. I worked with one woman who was such an unpleasant person to be around, that when she entered the room there was almost an audible groan. That is not good people! Most states are at will now, have a chat with them document it, give them 90 days and if things don’t change invoke at will and make the rest of the people happy! Productivity just went up! Hooray!

6) How rude people have become. I know, I know, I am getting older but one thing everyone can afford is manors. Please, thank you, excuse me. All free folks! Doesn’t cost a dime to use any of them. Pull your face out of your phone, look me in the eye, speak clearly. When you enter a room say hello. Hold a door for someone. Be extra kind to a Senior Citizen. I don’t think any of these things are difficult. If you and I are having a conversation put your phone away and please do not bring a cell phone to my dinner table.

Unfortunately, I could go on because I am sort of a goofball when it comes to stuff like this but I really want to hear what your Pet Peeves are. You can post as many as you choose and why it bothers you BUT you can not tell another poster why they shouldn’t be bothered by their Pet Peeve. Ready – Set – Go !