Zodiac Signs

Are you someone who reads their horoscope often to see what your day or week is going to bring? I don’t not really. I might read it from time to time for some entertainment but that is about all. I don’t know how much I believe in it. I know…

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Music of My Heart

I mentioned before that I love music. I am pretty sure that I sang before I talked. I know my oldest daughter did and she is a music fan like I am. Music is just part of my DNA. I know it affects everyone differently life would be very sad…

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My Favorite Place On Earth

Recently on Facebook I used the check-in as I waited to pick up Rachel at Midway and my Aunt Pat asked “where are you going?” and I replied, “no where I am picking up Rachel, to which she replied, “Oh I thought you were going to Maui.” Oh what I…

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Glenda the Good Friend

You never know where you are going to meet your next friend. I actually met Glenda several years ago but we hadn’t really spent much time talking, we run in different circles. You see Glenda is in her 70’s and I see her once a week at church. Back in…

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Pazcki Day Coma

Yesterday was Fat Tuesday and even people who do not practice lent will indulge in one of Chicagoland’s favorite pastries Pazcki’s (punch-key) on this day. They are in every grocery store and bakery in the area and they even put out a list on the local village boards of the…

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New Addiction

Recently Big E asked me to look up some information on his biological Grand Father and see what I could find out. He unfortunately passed away at the age of 46 (?) and for what ever reason my father in law didn’t speak much of him. All I really knew…

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How Reflections Got its Name

When I thought about blogging I was going to call it “Just a Thought” I am known for saying that around the house and at work basically to anyone who says something that I think is obvious. It’s my smart mouth way of confirming something. No know like someone else…

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Self-Care at Work

I love lists. I love checking things off. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It also helps me be efficient. I think it has helped me in my career. At work Post It notes are my best friend. If something is urgent I can write it on what I…

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Relationship Lessons

Not always Equal I’ve had conversations lately with friends about miscellaneous things, things that we haven’t previously discussed because well we weren’t in our 50’s before. It is funny how our discussions have changed over the years. We still talk about clothes, parents, money, celebrations, disappointments but not in the…

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