Nobody’s Work Wife Thank You

I have been looking for a new job for a while now and Saturday I received a call from a Recruiter that was just ridiculous. So much so that there was no way I was not going to share it with you. In my real world, I am a Human Resources Professional with a focus on Recruiting. I am very well versed in what one may and may not ask when talking to a potential job candidate.

I receive a call from John (I did NOT change his name) I didn’t answer because it was Saturday and I did not recognize the number which by the way is 1-312-459-4478 (Please sue me) and when I didn’t answer he sent a text message leaving his first name and that he was a recruiter that had found my information online. He was working from home and that is why he was calling on Saturday. All of this makes sense so far. My information is available online and yes everyone is working from home.

I give him a call and the weirdness starts from the beginning. He asks me what my work history is, ummm didn’t you say you have my resume? He claims he is pulling it back up that he had it in front of him before. We chat a bit about what I have been doing the last few years. (Normal) Then he wants to know my financial requirements ~ well John we really haven’t talked about specifics for this position. He chooses to school me about the pandemic and if I want to work right away I will need to be more specific in my answers. He sounded young so I stayed patient. We continue the interview which is actually for a personal assistant position tp the CEO that I had applied for. I’ve never been a personal assistant but I have worked with several CEO’s so I thought why not?

We chat some more, the compensation is just a bit more than my last position. Cool! Then he says something about being this guy “Work Wife.” I tell him I prefer Girl Friday, Right Hand Person, Personal Assistant. He then asks what would you say if you told him “You have a meeting at 1:00 and he responds with, I can’t go I have blue balls.” I very directly told him I would respond “not my problem and you still have a meeting at 1:00” Click!

I know the world has gone crazy right now but that was absurd at best. And now you know why I have the “Recruiters” first name and the number he called from. Please let anyone looking for a position in the Admin world know that this creep is out there for the Chicagoland/NW Indiana area.

How Unpredictable was that?

2 Comments on Nobody’s Work Wife Thank You

  1. Blue balls ? Sounds like a personal problem to me.

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | April 1, 2020 at 2:22 pm |

      Yes and I think he wants more than most personal assistants will allow.

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