No Sweat

I have “felt the burn” in aerobics class, was the step class Queen, could run 3K, jump rope, bike, Tae Bo, Karate, didn’t care much for Cross Fit too jerky but I tried it. Nothing like a good sweat to make you feel good, look good, keep the calories burned off and the metabolism burning. Loved it!

I don’t seem to have the same enthusiasm for it that I once had. Not sure where that spark went but I tell you it went OUT! And when it did the weight came on and oh boy, here we go; I got on the scale and weighed more than we I went in to have my babies. WAKE UP CALL!

The first thing I had to do was acknowledge that I could not lose the weight like I used to. I am middle age (when did that happen?) I can not lose 10 pounds in one week anymore. My body can not take the pounding of a workout where you “feel the burn” like I used to unless – I have a week to recover and that doesn’t make any sense. Therefore, I must find something I enjoy doing and do it on a regular basis. And stop doing something else I LOVE doing as much as I have been: EATING. Because again, I just can’t eat like a kid anymore without it showing up on my hips.

With all of that admitted to myself I was off on this journey. Up my water, eat with intention, do I really need that snack at work, I’ll share it with someone or take it to my office eat half and throw away the other half (shh don’t tell) fruit, fruit, and more fruit. Walking everyday at lunch with coworker Lori, more walking at night with dog Jack and six months later 30 pounds are gone. Awesome! Am I bragging? Ha ha a little because in that same time I lost my job in a reduction in force, I had knee surgery, and then here came the holidays and I maintained the 30 pound loss. If I can do it you can too!

How do I know this? Because this girl loves to eat!!!! And Jack has lost 8 pounds. There is no magic pill no, no magic diet, there is just determination and focus. During this time I have learned to love to sweat again, I miss it when I don’t get to walk. I am looking for a dance work out for those days. I have found one that I have to stream to use. I can use it free for 7 days. I’ll let you know how that goes. I had to ask the Little One what streaming was. I was pretty sure I knew but I thought I should double check. Give it a try, a daily sweat to release toxins from your body, to keep your heart in shape, to just make you feel a little bit better than you did last week. Let me know how it works for you.

2 Comments on No Sweat

  1. But sweating isn’t lady-like….

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