New Year’s Resolutions

Every year millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions. Are you one of them? Did you know that by January 12th, 87% of people have broken the new rules that they have set up for themselves and then they give up? I’ve never been one to do Resolutions. Maybe I am a little lazy, or maybe because its because everyone else is doing it. I have always felt that resolutions are defeating. That one is saying something is wrong with themselves, therefore I must do this or stop doing that. (you fill in the blank) I am wondering if we “resolve” to be the best version of our self that we can possible be would these things will fall into place anyway? Will you then feed yourself healthier foods? Take a walk when weather permits and get some exercise plus enjoy the beauty of the You are the only person that knows what your struggles are so how about you give yourself a break in 2020, do some self care by resolving to do the best you can every day. Celebrate the days you get it right! Reflect on what went wrong so that you can do better in this unpredictable life that we are all living.