My Top 5 Favorites Sites

Hey there! I have told you about things that I don’t care for regarding social media sites, today I want to share with you the sites I enjoy.

Facebook: without it, I wouldn’t be able to chat with you all. Well that’s not 100% true there are other ways to set a blog but Facebook is the one I have chosen to utilize. I could do without the Political stuff but I do love “seeing” people I have not communicated with for years and how they have turned out. There was one basketball player from high school that had completely disappeared, we couldn’t find him for any of the early reunions, he is on Facebook. Although he may not ever come back for a reunion at least we know what happened to him and that he is well.

Instagram: this is one is kind of fun too! You can put up quick posts and move on. I was utilizing this one for my former position and probably will again should I return to recruiting. Its quick and user friendly.

Snapchat: I have a love/hate relationship with this one. It is the one with all the goofy filters which are ridiculous and so much fun to use. I usually end up laughing like a child anytime I try to take a “selfie.” Try is the operative word there. I am not really a “selfie” kind of gal so I have a hard time using the site. It has however, helped me reconnect with a friend as she sent me snaps of her remodel. So proud of you Jean ~ you did a great job!

YouTube: I love this one because I love music AND you can YouTube just about anything that you don’t know how to do and at least attempt to maybe fix something on your own first before spending the money on someone to come to the house. I used it once to reset an item on my car because all though the instructions were in English they didn’t make any sense to me. I watched the guy do it on YouTube and 1 minuet later the time was reset. And I felt like Superwoman! lol

OfferUp: If you have not heard of this one let me let you in on a little secret. Offer Up is like an online garage sale. You put the zip code in for your area OR the area that you want to “shop” in and then you can see what people have for sale. Or you can search for an item within the zip code. It has saved me a ton of money furnishing the new house. Here is a tip; the people up north in the Chicagoland area tend to redecorate a lot and they sell stuff for next nothing. I have an 11-foot dining table made out of reclaimed wood from a ship. It is beautiful – the original owners paid $6,000.00 for it, I was able to look it up online. I purchased it and the chairs for $2,350.00. The chairs alone would have been $1,200.00 brand new. You know I love a deal! You have to be patient but I have found it is worth it.

There you have it, my top 5 favorite sites. What are yours? Looking forward to finding new and interesting sites to check out and why you like them.