My Favorite Book

I spoke last week of how I love to read and that I had read the book Eve’s Daughters several times. When I fall in love with a story it is hard for me to put a book down. I can remember the first time reading this story being intrigued from the very beginning. It was shortly thereafter that I was able to meet the author in person. She is a local woman who lives about 30 minutes from me, is soft-spoken and loves to meet with the people who read her books.

Eve’s Daughters is about multi-generational mistakes. Or better yet the effect one generations’ mistakes can have on another and how we tend to repeat history. There is intrigue wrapped in a story of unforbidden love and a woman’s strength and independence. This strength comes from the woman who raised them. They also make the same errors and some who have come before them as well. Oh, the tangled web they weave.

I still can remember almost holding my breath as one character has to make a brave attempt to say her children from harm. What parent can not relate to that? Below is a link that will take you to should you want to find out more about this story and the Author Lynn Austin. Let me know what you think!