Music – My Life Long Self-Care

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Last week I received some interesting responses to my self-care failure. I received a picture a picture of someone who had their nails done and it said self-care. Yeah! That really made me smile. That told me people are not only reading this blog but don’t think I am absolutely out of my mind. Plus her nails looked really pretty! And I happen to know that she has been giving lots of care to her husband who had knee surgery to kudos to you for taking some time for yourself to do something nice for yourself so that you can be the best that you can be! Awesome!

The other was from a make reader who said he didn’t think he could connect with the whole nail thing. Which is fine because: 1) not everyone will connect with every post. 2) that post was actually more about me not taking the time to do self care, so maybe I need to work on getting the point across and 3) he is a music lover and I think he will connect with todays post.

Most days, all day I have music on. It is in my DNA. If it is not on, I am humming. When I am working in an office that is not my own I usually have YouTube running, in my home office I will do the same on my TV. Pandora, Spotify, you name it I have music on. If something from the 80’s of Motown comes on I am probably singing or chair dancing to it to! You know the first thing I do when I get it my car is turn on the music and if I am alone, I put on my own concert! Yep if you see me driving and singing, I am bringing it!

My mood dictates what kind of music I am playing. Being a kid of the 80’s many times it is those groups you will hear. (REO, Styx, Journey, Rick Springfield, Foreigner) But I am also an Elvis geek, love Motown and Country I am also know to play the Harry Potter music when I am stressed out at work, and if I have ocean sounds on maybe you should come back later it has been a very bad day.

Along with this playing of music sometimes comes some dancing. Like I said earlier I will dance in my chair, but if no one is watching… I might boogie around the room a bit like I did “back in the day.” It is really good exercise and gets the endorphins going. I’ve been exercising to dance and I prefer that over running or aerobics or the dreaded treadmill. There are lots of options on YouTube.

I would encourage you if you haven’t already found something that brings you joy. To start trying some thing. The fellow who didn’t connect to my nail failure, I know without a doubt loves music and played the bass. If you are not playing it, get it out! See what you can still do! How many of us took piano lessons as kids? You have a keyboard? Sit down and plunk something out. No one else has to hear it, just you. It might be fun! You just might find an old/new hobby now how unpredictable would that be? I would love to hear your stories of things that you have tried and enjoyed. Have a great weekend!

3 Comments on Music – My Life Long Self-Care

  1. Reflectionsunpredictablelife | January 24, 2020 at 4:35 pm |

    Wow I was just taking a quick look at this and I need to do spell check! Sorry guys. Have a great week end. And for those of you in the Chicagoland area stay warm and safe we are supposed to get a lot of snow!

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | January 26, 2020 at 2:23 pm |

      Thank you and I hope the chair said yes! There is nothing quite like some music (for me anyway) to keep the day moving along. Even the 7 Dwarfs “whistled while they worked.” That probably isn’t PC anymore…. If you embarrass easily be careful, I did see a lady one morning about 6:45 a.m. dancing in her car, I am sure on her way to work, getting ready to take on a new day. I thought it was excellent, I also, thought I wonder how many people have seen me do that? LOL

  2. Well said. Echoes a clearly thought out perspective. Now I find myself compelled to ask a chair to dance.

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