Who is Watching You

I have been blessed to have strong, smart, resourceful women in my life. Women to watch, observe and learn from. The interesting thing is, I am not sure many of them knew I was watching them. But I was, and I remember the things I observed, the lessons I learned and they didn’t even know they were teaching me.

My Mother would be the most obvious. I remember specifically like it was yesterday watching her one morning sitting very quietly with her Bible on her lap, but not realizing that she was praying. She very quietly answered me when I asked her what she was doing and right then as a little girl I learned it was important to stop and take time to talk with God. There was Miss A who spoke her mind! Although she may not always been very diplomatic (and maybe a bit loud) she is my first memory of it being o.k. to be a girl and to speak up, to be bold about what you believe in. Then there was Teresa who spoke very quietly and when she spoke she had something worth saying. My lesson learned is that you don’t always have to be assertive when you speak. Say what’s in your heart and people will pay attention.

My resourceful Aunt who worked hard and kept things going despite my Uncle’s lack of identifiable employment. CJ the single mother who still struggled with her sons after they were adults and never gave up. Terrie the V.P. who walked away from a big money to take a more fulfilling job with much less income and more time with family. My friend KJ who woke up in the middle of the night in pain, walked to her living room sat in the floor thinking it would bring relief and has not walked again. She went on to have a successful marriage, pregnancy and raise an amazing daughter. All of these women, doing what it takes to take care of their family and themselves. Most often in that order.

I have learned a lot from these ladies. Just by observing them. My mom used to say, “be careful how you behave, someone is always watching.” Its true; someone always is. I think she was referring to God. I believe He is watching me. I also know there might be a little girl or boy watching and observing you and I too as we hurry about in our daily lives. What are they learning? Positivity or Negativity? Patience or Irritation? Ego or Humility? I only ask to encourage. I know these ladies would never predict that I was watching, and I was learning, and would have never predicted I would be blogging! I have two young girls in my life that call me Mrs. Fun Lady, and I know sometimes I am a little snarky in front of them but after today I believe I will monitor myself a little closer because my prediction is… one of them is watching me.