
Memes are really an unique thing aren’t they? You know those pictures with goofy sayings on them that you see on the internet. Most of the time they are funny, sometimes they cross a line of appropriateness. They come out seasonally, like back to school, or for a holiday. And they usually say what most people are thinking but wouldn’t say out loud or carry some kind of message.

Right now there are several talking about Social Distancing and more than you can count about coughing making one think they have the COVID – 19. The ones I am really liking right now is about washing hands because it is so very important and most people don’t do it correctly. I am a trained Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and believe it or not we had to learn the proper technique to wash our hands to pass the class. If you didn’t show the instructor proper technique you had to wash your hands again until you got it right. Currently, this is my favorite meme.

Pretty cute, right? You would insure you had done a full and complete job, yes?

This is why I DONT care for this meme

This is my Viking son, who I am often told looks like
Jason Mamoa

So how is that for unpredictable? That is my life. Please keep washing your hands, stay at home and lets get everyone back to life as unpredictable as it is as soon as possible.