Marth Stewart Who?

I am totally in awe of anyone who can do crafty kind of things. Who can look at a picture and duplicate it in their home. Drives me nuts! I get HGTV magazine and I look at it cover to cover, dog ear some pages, mark some colors I would like to paint some things. But I’ll be dog gone if I can figure out how to implement it in real life.

I went to Hobby Lobby the other day to find something super simple or at least I thought I it would be easier. I found myself texting Momma Bear telling her that I was overwhelmed and that I would need her to give me a hand next time she was in town and sent her this picture.

Who needs this many choices? This was row one of about six? I am not really made for that many choices. It was pretty in their but it sure confused the heck out of me.

I’ll try again when she’s with me. I will probably Googled some images and try to match them up. I bet Martha doesn’t have to do that. Sigh!

That project will have to wait….so I tackled another little decorating project now that the house is coming together. I got all of my little odds and ends out and decided out I wanted to hang them in my laundry room because now we decorate the laundry room, right? I figure if I am going to practice somewhere this should be the place. If I totally mess it up I can shiplap the walls say that’s the look I really wanted and move on. Everyone loves Joanna Gaines shiplap look, right? I got my trusty toolbox out that my dad gave me. My tools have pink handles which mean the handles are a little smaller, made for a woman’s hand and not a mans. When my pink hammer went missing and one of the guys had it boy did I give him some crap! I measured everything, made sure that everything was level and then proceeded to put the pictures up.

Not bad, huh? And I like that you can see the clock I hung as well in the mirror. Momma Bear says I need another clothes pin to even things out, I don’t know, I kind of like it just like it is I will think about it. Here’s the catch….

This post is labeled Social Media on my blog, I know that this picture isn’t Martha Stewart level but its o.k. what you don’t know yet is about 30 minuets after I hung it I heard CRASH! The Laundry sign fell down, knocking off the clothes pin, but the mirror is still there.

What’s my point? I’m not going to post a picture of the crash, the fail picture. Many times that is how Social Media works. I know there are some people that are brave enough and funny enough to be transparent on social media but most people just put the good stuff. Lets face it, even Martha makes mistakes but you know they don’t take pictures of those and put them in her magazine or on her website. So I’m not Martha Stewart, its o.k. I am trying, its just a laundry room by the time I get to the family room I should be amazing! When you want to compare your life, your vacations, your anything to something on Social Media take a moment a think if that person whose life looks so fantastic ever has anything on their media that looks less than perfect because if they don’t then they are only posting the Martha Stewart stuff and there is only one Martha.