Luck of the Draw

One of the things that I have been blessed with is pretty decent skin and I am grateful for that especially as I age. I do believe that it is genetic. Mom and Dad have pretty good skin so does my brother even though honestly we weren’t a family that slathered on sun screen actually quit the opposite because we didn’t really know the dangers of the sun “back in the day.” One thing that used to happen when I was a teenager was someone would say, “you have such lovely skin” and I would almost shout Nooooo because every time within a few days of the compliment I would get a huge zit on my nose. It was the weirdest thing.

The other thing is I have always liked water and it is one of the best things you can do for your skin is to drink a lot of water. It also will help you eat less too! So since its Friday and I post about self-care here are a few facts about the benefits of water.

  1. It lubricates the joints – Long term dehydration can reduce the joints shock absorbing ability leading to joint pain. Many people walk around in slight dehydration. Drink up!
  2. It forms saliva and mucus – Sounds kind of gross but without saliva it is hard to digest food and your mouth wouldn’t be moist – Water is going to keep your mouth clean too, so you are ready for some smooches!
  3. Water delivers oxygen throughout the body – Blood is more than 90% water and blood carries oxygen to different parts of the body.
  4. It boosts skin health and beauty – With dehydration, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling. Yikes!
  5. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues – Dehydration can affect the structure and function of the brain leading to problems thinking and reasoning. Scary!
  6. It regulates body temperature – Water is stored in the middle layers of the skins and comes up to the skin’s surface as sweat when the body heats up – This is probably why I sweat like a pro! LOL
  7. The digestive system needs it – Dehydration can lead to digestive problems and too much acid in the stomach. Heartburn anyone?
  8. It flushes body of waste – You want to go to the bathroom on the regular. Drink water. Enough said.
  9. It helps maintain blood pressure – A lack of water can cause blood to thicken increasing blood pressure. Gross!
  10. The airways need it – When dehydrated airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss. If you have allergies or asthma, they can become worse. No Bueno!
  11. It makes minerals and nutrients accessible – These dissolve in water, which makes it possible for them to reach different parts of the body – You learn something new every day. Huh?
  12. It prevents kidney damage – Kidneys regulate fluid in the body, insufficient water can lead to kidney stones, those suckers are PAINFUL!!!!
    *information from Medical News Today

There you have it. 12 reason to grab a glass and fill it up with some water. Notice I didn’t say water bottle? The trend now is to go back to glass and keep filling that up rather than recycling plastic bottles because people are not recycling their plastic bottles. What ever you chose to do, I hope you do chose to drink a little more water, feel a little better and have a super fantastic weekend! Now how predictable was that?