Leaping into something new! 2020


Welcome to Reflections of an Unpredictable Life! This is something that I am definitely leaping into as I am new to blogging and I am hoping that you will join this journey with me. It is my hope that this will become a place that we can discuss our lives. Nothing in my life has really turned out they way I thought it would when I was a child. Has yours? Some has been not so good, and some has been much better than I could ever imagine! Now I find myself in a time of life where I have some wisdom that I could share with a new parent, or a newlywed or unfortunately an unhappy wed. I expect we will discuss the good and bad of friendships, boundaries, jobs, unemployment, food, social media, self care, aging parents. You name it and we will probably discuss it here. Why? Because life is unpredictable and I believe we do it best when we do it together! So grab some coffee/soda/water/wine and lets reflect on this unpredictable thing called life!

4 Comments on Leaping into something new! 2020

  1. I’ll be looking forward to it!!

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | January 3, 2020 at 3:51 pm |

      Gluten Free,
      Do I have permission to call you by name or stick to Cookie? I kind of like Cookie for you, it fits! Thank you for joining me here. I know you will have some interesting things to add to this site. We can debate things like we used to. I miss those days.

  2. I’ll participate. Need new things to read when I can’t sleep at 3 am. ugh
    Great to hear from you Tracie, you are as beautiful and kind as ever.

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | January 3, 2020 at 3:47 pm |

      Hi Connie,

      Great to see you on here! Thank you for the kind words. I look forward to building this site with you and seeing where it goes. Sorry you ca’t sleep at 3 a.m. maybe that is something we will discuss.

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