Its the Plague!

This information is coming straight from the CDC:

People who are sick with flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.
  • Cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Muscle or body aches.
  • Headaches.
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. › flu › symptoms
Flu Symptoms & Diagnosis | CDC

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says it has been one of the worst years for the flu. I put the link on here so that you can click it, read the information for yourself and decide what you need to do to keep you and your family safe(r) from the flu this season. The Little One started being sick Sunday evening at 9:00 p.m. and literally passed out exhausted and dehydrated at 7:30 a.m. Monday morning. The doctor’s office did not want her in the office because she very often travels by air for her job and had concern about exposure to the Corona virus. They called in a flu medication which I picked up and the pharmacist put her dad and I on a regiment of holistic preventative medication as well, and asked us to limit our exposure to other people. Wow! This is some bug.

Image result for creepy bug cartoon
I’m going to make you wish you were dead!

Lets all do some self – care together to keep this nasty little bug at bay. Liquid: lots and lots liquids. Adult beverages do not count, it dehydrates you. Anything you would need an ID to purchase does not fit into this category. The pharmacist said at least one cup of grape juice a day and then Gator Aide, water, other juices, Sports drinks. Plus a probiotic will help a gastro intestinal bug not “stick” or not hang around as long.

Rest: I like this one, if you are tired, here is your excuse not to push. Get lots of rest so that your immune system is not over worked and can smack that bug should it show up at your door and tell it, it is NOT welcome.

Eat: Another good one! Now is not the time to be dieting. Eat a good, healthy diet to also help your immune system work at its best.

Wash your hands: this one kind of sounds like a no brainer, but recently there has been a lot of discussion about antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers and are we over doing it etc. On the news they said good ole soap and water to wash your hands to get rid of germs. Do what you feel is best. Oh, and one of the biggest places to catch germs? Gas pumps! I never thought of that one, but how many people touch those bad boys without any gloves on…a ton of them so wash your hands people! = )

Stock up: Now just in case that bug is in someone’s body already waiting to make an appearance make sure you have all the above mentioned items plus, soup, Black Elderberry Vitamins with C & Zinc (per the Pharmacist) toilet paper and maybe baby wipes (oh yeah it was a long night) and your favorite disinfectant. I keep Lysol wipes and spray around this place all the time just in case.

Well guys, this isn’t what I was planning but man this bug has beat up a lot of people recently. The Little One was more pitiful than I have seen her in several years. I hope you don’t need the information I am passing on but here it what we know for sure….you can NEVER predict when the flu is going to hit! I hope you have a great flu free weekend!