It Smells Like What???

Raise your hand if you have not heard that Gwyneth Paltrow has a candle that smells like her Vagina? I didn’t think so. When Big E said “did you hear about this candle that is supposed to smell like someone’s V ?” I had to Google an image of Gwyneth Paltrow because he didn’t know who she was, but he knew what she had to sell. LOL He also all ready knew that Martha Stewart had come out and said it was horny men that made it sell out so quickly. No – I didn’t have to show him Martha’s picture he knows who she is, she was arrested for acting like a man, remember?

I am having a little trouble typing this because I keep shaking my head. I really don’t think I am a prude but this one I keep thinking, what? Huh? She is already very wealthy, why in the world would she market something that way? I read another article that said it was a joke, oh that smells so good, it smells like my vagina. But again, did you really have to market the candle that way?

If you are going to use Social Media to market your product then yes, you do. Because the buzz started with what Ms. Paltrow named her candle, then people went to her site, and then they purchased her candle. And at $75.00 a candle there are some pretty curious people out there! Pardon me while I gag.

Social media sure has changed things. This certainly is bold beyond anything that I would have imagined. I certainly couldn’t ever predict that one day it would be acceptable to promote an item that smells like a V on a site that you didn’t have to prove your age to get access into.

Its 2020 social media is now roughly 11 years old with 3.196 billion users. 11 new people start using social media every second which is about 1 million people everyday. I thought Kim K’s breaking the internet with her oiled up “assets” was strange enough and now we have Gwyneth’s candle. Tell me, am I just an crazy old lady or is this bizarre? I really look forward to your answers. I thank you in advance for NOT sharing what your V smells like, that is double secret information between you and God.