I’m Back!

Hey y’all I wanted to say thank you to those who messaged or text me to see where I had disappeared to. I probably should had said something but my disappearance wasn’t really planned. That is how my life kind of works. Thus the title “Reflections of an Unpredictable Life.”

Since my last post I have moved – again. I have moved 4 times since April 1, 2018. When I moved the last time I said I would never move again. So who knows how long I will be in my current home. I am sure doing the projects I have planned for the place will make for some fairly goofy stories. I am super excited about the drill I bought, now I just have to learn how to use it!

I have started taking Pilates which I have no doubt will bring its own funny tales because although its a gentle way to stretch and build strength, I quickly learned just how young I am not anymore. Plus I had another birthday too. Funny how quickly those suckers keep coming around.

One more thing…a quick thank you to my gals. My fan club, my confidants, my sisters, that have walked this unpredictable path with me. What would I do with out you? I love you all more than you know.

I don’t have a clue what this unpredictable life is going to bring but I am on a very interesting journey, destination unknown and I am glad to be taking the journey with all of you.

1 Comment on I’m Back!

  1. Just keep on keeping on! You got this

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