If I Won the Lottery

I don’t I know about you but I have a plan for if I win the lottery. Isn’t it something that everyone thinks about from time to time? They put it on the news when it gets really big, you can’t miss it, they keep talking about its in the hundreds of millions of dollars. You have no choice really but to think, about it, that is why they do it. Recently, the Mega was up to $396.9 million dollars and it was won by one person in Florida. Crazy amount of money even after taxes. The state of Illinois was running a special commercial stating that no one had won in Illinois has won in a long time therefore encouraging residents to purchase a ticket here. Clever. Then someone in Florida won – hey do I get my money back?

I believe to whom much is given much is required so here is what I would do should I ever win one of those mega million lotteries:

  1. Say absolutely nothing to anyone but closest family until I had everything lined up, i.e. Financial team.
  2. Use that team to be as wise as possible to sign the ticket in the best way to ensure the money is safe and can be used/invested for generations.
  3. Get a new phone for my family members and myself.
  4. Now I would tell the State that I had the winning ticket because Illinois does not allow the winner to remain anonymous. (every state is different.)
  5. Watch my old phone ring like crazy! LOL
  6. Take the family to Maui – my favorite place on the planet!
  7. Go back home and sleep in own bed.
  8. My Dad always said he would give to St. Jude’s if he won the lottery so hopefully by now my team has figured out how we are going to do that long term and we can make a trip there, make a donation called Poppa Ed something or other and see the children if they allow.
  9. Big E has always wanted to do an RV trip and he has always enjoyed NASCAR maybe we can plan a trip to travel to all the races. When I get bored, I will fly home and fly someone out to keep him company. Like Hank!
  10. Spoil my parents if they will let me, investigate some other philanthropy, do something for my kids that would be determined later and basically live life very quietly without any concern of financial needs. Woohoo

What would you do? I know you have thought about it, and we know it is unpredictable who will when and where but lets have some fun! What would YOU do if you won the lottery?

2 Comments on If I Won the Lottery

  1. Didn’t you forget your poor, old aunt….

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | February 7, 2020 at 2:34 am |

      How could I ever forget you? I will make sure all of the people that are important to me are taken care of. <3

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