I Miss Random Conversation

I have been so desperate not to talk about the VIRUS lately that I find myself asking people the most random questions. The more off the wall the better and the funny thing is, they answer me! I can say something totally off topic and I get an answer. No one looks at me strangely, they just answer.

Someone brings up COVID and I say, “Hey what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” Oh, I like vanilla because I can put whatever topping I want on it or leave it vanilla. Cool! They don’t say question why I asked. It is a very strange thing.

So you know I keep doing it! Bring up Republicans vs. Democrats, I say “Have you ever been to Disney?” Oh, yeah I loved Space Mountain, I am so glad they decided to keep it.” It worked again. Hmmm

The whole do we really need to wear a mask debate… I ask, “do you have any superstitions?” Oh yeah, won’t catch me walking under a ladder.” Which is actually safe practice but WOW here we go again!

I think the thing that intrigues me the most is these are fairly hot button subjects that people are wanting to discuss until they are blue in the face and yes, I have found myself in these discussions but quite honestly I am OVER it.

I want to discuss random things. Things that we would have been talking about but can’t this summer, for example, Cubs vs. Sox and why the Cubs are ultimately better. What concerts are in the area even though it has been three years since I have been to one. Who won the Indy 500 which I have never watched in its entirety.

We as a society have become accustomed to things moving so quickly, multitasking, watching our phones nonstop, and so forth that I believe that is why I am able to switch subjects on people before they ever even know it. Now that I know I am able to do this effectively I am going to actually do it for entertainment. There will be more written about this I am sure. This is an easy one to predict but how people react will remain as always unpredictable.