Hug a Little Longer

I am sitting at home watching comics on television. I’ve been doing a lot of that since the quarantine as laughter is good medicine for me. I am laughing at a lot of inappropriate things because that is comics do really. They make fun of the absurd things in life, they say the things we think but don’t say out loud (well some of us) and it lightens our day.

One thing I can say about this Corona Virus is that I believe it has brought people closer. I have had more phones call, text, emails asking how I am than I have had in a very long time. I too, am reaching out to people to make sure that they are o.k. or do they need help especially my friends over 65.

All of our focus has been on this virus and for the most part it should be. And then I get a text from a friend, hey I was in a wreck I am alright I will call you later. What?

It was a wake up call that yes we need to be concerned about this virus. I believe everything is being done to stop the advancement of it. And then we will return to the world. We will return to work, events, shopping, you name it. Busy, Busy, Busy.

I am going to do a better job checking on people. Letting people know that I love them. Hug them just a little bit longer because my phone call turned out all right but one day there will be a phone call that won’t and I will want to be assured that the person that I receive the call about knew for sure just how special they were to me.