How Reflections Got its Name

When I thought about blogging I was going to call it “Just a Thought” I am known for saying that around the house and at work basically to anyone who says something that I think is obvious. It’s my smart mouth way of confirming something. No know like someone else would say, duh! I say just a thought. I was even given a coffee mug that says Just sayin’.

So here I was all excited, I am going to start a blog and call it Just a Thought, its going to be fun. I’ll be like Erma Bombeck, (you guys remember her, right?) funny, witty and end each post with Just a Thought. I looked into setting up the blog did all of my research so I can own my content and a million other things that go with setting one up and I do a search for the name Just a Thought and it is TAKEN. Ugh!

What to do, what to do? What is it that I am going to be writing about. My life ad the things in it. hmmmmm My life has been the most unpredictable thing ever. They say if you want to make God laugh tell Him what your plans are. I had a fairly different life planned out than the one I have lived thus far.

I thought I would make a living singing I am sure many people do when they have some kind of talent when they are young. Marriage and children were part of the plan but absolutely not the way it has played out. Oh, wait! I have had a very unpredictable life and the title of this blog was born.

Everyday I notice something new that is unpredictable. Sometimes its funny, sometimes it is something that drives me crazy. But it is never boring. It is my Unpredictable Life.