Grateful for Today

When I first started thinking about writing this blog it was to reach out to people in part of this unique situation of being part of the Sandwhich Generation. As I mentioned before Blogs develop a personality as they grow and we will see where this one ends up, but in the meantime, I found these interesting statistics.

Here are some other interesting statistics, courtesy of Pew Research Center, to better understand the sandwich generation:

  • Nearly half, or 47%, of adults in their 40s-50s have a parent age 65 or older and are either raising a young child or financially supporting a grown child (age 18 or older)
  • About one-in-seven middle-aged adults, or 15%, is providing financial support to both an aging parent and a child
  • Roughly half, or 48%, of adults ages 40-59 have provided some financial support to at least one grown child in the past year, with 27% providing the primary support
  • About one-in-five middle-aged adults, or 21%, have provided financial support to a parent age 65 or older in the past year
  • Among all adults with at least one parent age 65 or older, 30% say their parent or parents need help to handle their affairs or care for themselves
  • Among all adults with a living parent age 65 or older, 35% say that their parent or parents frequently rely on them for emotional support and 33% say their parents sometimes rely on them for emotional support

Oddly enough as I look at these right now I don’t have these issues in my life. Not really. Yes, Little One lives with us but she has a good job and could move out at any time. It was just our hope that she would save money (which she is) to give herself a better start when she eventually does move out on her own.

What I do have in my life is the very last item and I am very thankful for that. I believe as a family we are giving each other emotional support. I know I can pick up the phone and call my parents and get good solid support. I also know that my kids still call me and run things past me too. I am thankful that they trust my opinion and know that no matter how much I love them, I will be honest with them as my parents have been with me.

The list is kind of long. For now I will be grateful for the place that I am in today knowing how unpredictable this life can be.