Glenda the Good Friend

You never know when you are going to meet someone and just click. I have known Glenda for several years generically. I hate to say it that way but we probably didn’t have four conversations for the first 5 years we knew each other. Its not that we didn’t like each other, we were just in different circles. Glenda is in her late 70’s and I am not. One Sunday she stopped me to ask me a question and we chatted and I found out that this gal is a hoot! She is a smart, a little sassy, and not afraid to tell me the truth. I love this lady!

Right after that there was the unfortunate need of a funeral dinner and I wasn’t working so of course I’ll lend a hand and I get to the kitchen and who is there but my new friend Glenda and her husband Frank. We worked, and chatted away like you do when you are finding out about new friends. Poor Frank I know we drove him batty. We would laugh and then have to contain ourselves after all it was a funeral dinner. But you know how that is, when you aren’t supposed to laugh its even funnier.

All of this was during the holidays and Glenda thought it would be a good idea to take a group of Seniors to a local nursing home to sing for the residents. One of these days I will learn when she says “come here I need to ask you something” I probably need to go the other direction because it means work. You guessed it Glenda wanted me to go with the Senior group, I said, “I’m not a Senior” her response was “I know that but you are the only one who can hit the high notes.” You have to love her honesty. I went…and what a good time we had.

After the singing getting some coffee

Look at this group of people. I am the only one that isn’t retirement age. That is Frank and Glenda in the front. This group of retired people went to a retirement home to bring joy to people – some of the people in the retirement home was their age and certainly less fortunate than they are. This group understands how blessed they are to be as able-bodied as they are and therefore they are giving back. It was a teenage girl who took this picture, there were four in the coffee shop and they thought this group of older adults were cute. The group got a kick out being called cute.

Ever since then I have this sweet new friend, Glenda – like the good witch. She has been a lot of fun. We get into trouble with Frank for being late to service because we’ve been catching up on our weeks. He tells us to have lunch together but Glenda is too busy! Fairly unpredictable. And that is what keeps her young. I didn’t see this friendship coming. I am thankful for my new friend even when she has me text her when I get home. I haven’t had to do that it forever, she must love me right back.