For the Next 2 Weeks

Hey gang! I know it is nothing new to talk about the Coronavirus but I felt that sooner or later it had to be discussed. I know that there are many different feelings about what is going on and how it has been handled. I will leave that up to you to discuss amongst yourselves.

However, if we must be quarantined then lets also take a little time to do some self care as well. As much as we love the people we will get bored, irritated, fill in the blank with seeing them all the time 24 hours a day because we never spend this much together in this busy world that we live in.

So please wash your hands like they have been reporting. (who wasn’t washing their hands before? yuk!) Drink lots of liquids, call your doctor if you believe you have acquired the virus somehow and do something for yourself that you can do at home.

I bet there are movies that you have wanted to watch or a TV series you want to catch up on. A good book or two to read. (YES!) Have some questions ready to ask at the dinner table to spark a conversation rather than people looking at their phones and ignoring each other. Get your dog and take him for a walk and maybe a bath after? Put him away to dry and then maybe you can take a bath rather than jumping in and out of the shower. The point is you are “stuck” at home. Do some self-care. There shouldn’t be an excuse and I assure you it will feel like heaven.