Fearless on Social Media part 1

As I mentioned from the beginning this blogging thing is new to me and I will admit I am having fun! I am finding it very interesting how many people are checking out the blog and I thank you for that. Here is another thing that I am finding very interesting. How fearless some people are when they are on social media. I started a new Facebook page as many of you know and reached out to people and asked them to not only be my friend but to check out Reflections of an Unpredictable Life. The response was well received and humbling. When I started seeing what people were posting however, it was interesting how fearless I found people to be on social media.

The state of Illinois is well know for high taxes and then they legalized THC on January 1st. You can click this like to read the Chicago Sun Times Article. https://chicago.suntimes.com/cannabis/2020/1/2/21046978/legal-weed-sales-illinois. There were so many opinions on the state, its taxes, the people and what they would or would not do, I found it amazing. Some of the verbiage that people were using to describe the state was insulting at best and the debate was down right useless. Because here is the issue… it was people from another state saying these things. And they were getting pretty verbally aggressive with one guy who was supposedly their friend for living in Illinois. After all, this was their Facebook FRIEND they were chewing up on social media. You don’t live in Illinois, you don’t like the state, be thankful and grateful. Wow!

So why do we think this is? Why do people become so fearless on social media? So vocal, bold, voice their opinion without thoughts of saying it diplomatically? The “debate” and I am using that term very loosely was an all male conversation, are women as fearless? I am really interested in your thoughts on this one because there is no way I could have ever predicted that friends on Facebook would be so fearless in posting as aggressively as they did. Super curious about your thoughts.

Part 2 will be posted on January 14th

2 Comments on Fearless on Social Media part 1

  1. I think many people are fearless on Facebook and other social media sites. They are hidden behind a screen, and do not have to look at a person face to face. This is why there is so much unkindness, and bullying. Their name may be seen, but they do not have to respond or read anymore comments if they choose. It is truly sad the way “friends” respond when they have a different view. They can have the last word in their mind. Many people are very opinionated, rude, and mean on these platforms. It is easy to leave or unfriend a friend with very little thought or care. Are these 200 plus people really your friend? Friends on social media are different than your close circle of friends.

    • Reflectionsunpredictablelife | January 9, 2020 at 10:49 pm |

      Interesting you should say that about the 200 Sharebear, check out Types of Friendships to see what I think about the massive number of Friends people have on Facebook. I agree with what you said so easy to say whatever you want and move on. I wonder if they ever think about what damage they might be leaving behind? Just a thought. Makes me sad.

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