Chefs in the House

At my house we love food! And we really like good food. My children will ask for steak over other things and they always have. And then they started working in restaurants and developing their palates and the requests became even more interesting.

Being in the house together one of the better things that have happened is that we have been taking turns cooking. The Little One worked in a “white table cloth” restaurant roomer has it that Matthew McConoughey has rented it out when he is in town for an SEC game. It didn’t happen when she was there to her chagrin but that is the story. And she now has a more mature palate than she once had which makes it easier at dinner time.

We have a grill master which is Big E, The Little One does salmon, and I have been doing my regular things plus stuff like homemade granola, cough syrup, body scrub. (Which you could eat…but yuk!). The meals have gotten better as have the leftovers.

The creativity has been stellar and I am thankful that everyone is helping out because I swear that there have been more meals cooked in the last month than since we moved in January of 2019. The whining about leftovers has stopped and everyone is just glad to be safe. I still do the cleaning because I like the dishwasher and the kitchen just so but you could probably have predicted that.