
Soul Mates or Hard Work?

Do you believe in soulmates? That there is just one person that is waiting for you somewhere and he/she is “the one” you are supposed to be with and they will full fill you in every way? Call me jaded but I don’t believe in this theory. I don’t think…

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My Favorite Gift

My mom is one of the best gift-givers ever. She will remember something you said you wanted months ago and there it is on your birthday or Christmas. When I turned 40 she gave me a box of love. She bought this recipe box when I was a little girl….

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Back to Basics

I know this builds on what I said last week but I have been observing people recently doing random acts of kindness for others and that is totally cool too. Bringing joy to another is always a good thing. One senior lady told me that she doesn’t have to go…

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Behold the Beam

If you look close at the bottom of this picture you can see that this actually comes from the Bible. Matthew 7: 1-5. The thing is that it is a pretty practical piece of advice. The premise is, why are you talking to someone about the speck of dust in…

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Working Out at Home

The other day I wrote about how we love food. You can not be quarantined and consume as much food as we have and not gain weight. The Little One and I have actually been working out more consistently than we did before. There are many options for working out…

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Chefs in the House

At my house we love food! And we really like good food. My children will ask for steak over other things and they always have. And then they started working in restaurants and developing their palates and the requests became even more interesting. Being in the house together one of…

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Seperate Under One Roof

Here at our house all three of us have different ideas of what is entertaining and it has made for some interesting moments during the quarantine. Big E and the Little One are still working so that helps. As for me, I have been laid off since October. I am…

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