Social Media

Tic Tok Talks Sex

I have become a pretty large fan of TicTok during this pandemic. I am amazed and amused by the things people will put on social media to entertain themselves and others. The dances are extreme and funny. I love to see a gal my age kicking it on the moves…

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I Miss Random Conversation

I have been so desperate not to talk about the VIRUS lately that I find myself asking people the most random questions. The more off the wall the better and the funny thing is, they answer me! I can say something totally off topic and I get an answer. No…

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New Addiction

Recently Big E asked me to look up some information on his biological Grand Father and see what I could find out. He unfortunately passed away at the age of 46 (?) and for what ever reason my father in law didn’t speak much of him. All I really knew…

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Marth Stewart Who?

I am totally in awe of anyone who can do crafty kind of things. Who can look at a picture and duplicate it in their home. Drives me nuts! I get HGTV magazine and I look at it cover to cover, dog ear some pages, mark some colors I would…

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Valentine’s Day Grinch

I am not a fan of Valentine’s day. I think there is too much pressure put on this one day of the year to profess your love for someone and make a HUGE deal out of it. I wanted to post this early so when other social media puts the…

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My Tiny Little Computer

How has your phone changed your life? At first you might say, it hasn’t or not much. But really think about it. It is a crazy little phenomenon. We spend a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. We can “talk” to people on social networks and they might live…

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It Smells Like What???

Raise your hand if you have not heard that Gwyneth Paltrow has a candle that smells like her Vagina? I didn’t think so. When Big E said “did you hear about this candle that is supposed to smell like someone’s V ?” I had to Google an image of Gwyneth…

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