
Changes are Inevitable

Hello all! We are 96 days into the new year and into this bog now and it has been very interesting to share my thoughts with you. And as changes are inevitable I will be changing the pace of the posts on here. I wanted to tell you ahead of…

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Cherry Pie Day

Today is Washington’s Birthday NOT President’s Day! With the Impeachment, the finger-pointing, and continuous grumbling going on I thought of not even acknowledging that today is “President’s Day” until I did a little research and realized that today, in fact, is not even “President’s Day” at all but a new…

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

How appropriate on the day scheduled for boundaries we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. the man who worked and ultimately gave his life while working towards breaking the boundaries, and barriers that kept people of color from being treated equally in the United States. He said in his famous speech;…

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Self Awareness

I wrote on the 6th about boundaries and how hard they used to be for me. I think a huge part of that is because of lack of self awareness. Good ole Webster says self awareness is: Conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. There is a…

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