Bucket List

Another good movie is the Bucket List. Do you remember when it came out and people were discussing their Bucket Lists. I’ve never really had one. I knew I wanted to be a wife and mother. I wanted to be a positive part of society but I really didn’t have a list of things to do and see where I would be disappointed if they didn’t happen.

I have been pondering however, what I would like to accomplish in this next phase of my life. And so I am starting a Bucket List it is not completed yet but it looks something like this.

  • I am going to live my life on my own terms which are positive, creative and in community with other positive people. Negative Nelly’s need not hang around.
  • I will take a vacation in 2020… I haven’t had one since 2015.
  • I will be happy at work if it kills me.
  • I will NOT have political conversations with people I know are a part of the party in which I am not affiliated. We are in our 50’s no one is going to change our minds.
  • I will keep up on all of the extra health appointments like dentist, GYN, Mammograms, Dermatologist.
  • I will tell people that I love, “I love you” more often.

I am fairly certain that without this Virus I wouldn’t be thinking about a Bucket List. I never had before. So thank you Covid – 19. You got me to thinking about all of the things I will do after April 7th.

What are your thoughts? Have you been thinking about the things that you will do? Did you start a list? I would love to hear from you your thoughts and suggestions.

2 Comments on Bucket List

  1. The Bucket List is one of my favorite movies too. I think because when we see the most beautiful girl in the world, she was nothing like most people imagined.

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