Big Bea, and Little Bea

One of my readers told me after my last post that although I do favor my dad, she absolutely sees a lot of my mother in me, so in all fairness, let us chat a bit about that shall we? My mother has a friend named Helen and my first memory of her is her saying more than once, “Big Bea and Little Bea!” (insert southern accent here.) I found that a bit odd at the time because visually I look like my dad, however, Helen grew up with mom so of course she saw my mother in me. We are in character very much alike because we are both characters… and I think that is what she was “seeing.”

We love a good laugh. Mom and I have the same off the wall, sometimes inappropriate sense of humor. We find the funny in the absurd and can laugh until it hurts. Many times when we get to laughing we can be heard in the other room. My dad has stopped wearing his hearing aids to the dinner table because my laugh rings too much in them and it hurts his ears. We laughed when he said that. Ooops!

Family is everything. I don’t think this is uncommon for women what is unique is how women show care for their family… mom and I cook. Holidays are full of food, your birthday, any day that ends in Y, we will bang up something special for you and then help you eat it too! We have passed this trait onto my oldest daughter. We could start our own catering company with the food we whip up!

We love a good book. There is so much you can do when you read a book you can travel, have a romance, figure out a mystery, observe someone else’s life, self-help, the list goes on and on. A good book is worth the time and effort and cost. We don’t read online books. There is something about holding the book, the smell of a book, turning the pages of the book that is so much more satisfying than reading online.

Elvis! Do I really need to say more? Forever King of Rock and Roll. (Insert mic drop here.)

These are a few of the fun tidbits of being Little Bea. As fate would have it I ended up taller than Big Bea. My laugh is louder. We sound identical on the phone and she will identify herself while I might make you guess. We are both tenacious and it serves us well. (I think) We love our friends like family. Don’t ask our opinion unless you are ready for the truth. We are dealing with the world the way it is and not the way we wish it was. And we are having a pretty good time being Big Bea and Little Bea. How unpredictable is that? I am so incredibly blessed to still have her.