Back to Basics

I know this builds on what I said last week but I have been observing people recently doing random acts of kindness for others and that is totally cool too. Bringing joy to another is always a good thing.

One senior lady told me that she doesn’t have to go to the grocery store right now. Her neighbor knows that not only are they seniors but her husband is battling cancer so she comes by every Friday and gets a list from her and does her grocery shopping for her. The senior lady didn’t feel like she even knew this neighbor very well and here she is doing a “chore” for her every week. The sweet lady who shops for her said that she is learning more about how to eat healthy because she doesn’t know what many of the vegetables are and has to ask the produce people where to find them. She is getting an education as she helps someone else.

The other thing I have been observing (and have actually been in a couple) is the birthday parades. I bet you have seen them on TV where people drive by in a decorated car and honk their horn and maybe have the fire trucks there to celebrate the person who’s birthday it is but we are in quarantine and can not gather for a party. I watched a 95 (?) year old man was celebrated by his community, a girl with special needs, a pastor’s wife and most recently a little boy who loves cars and enjoys going to the car show had a huge parade of cars and trucks come by his home to celebrate as he turns 5!

I have a friend on Facebook that is cooking up a storm and her husband delivers it. My friends call text, Facebook message my parents to see if they need anything as I live in a different state wit different quarantine rules. One guy said he was cooking a few meals would I like him to drop one-off. I refused his kind offer and asked him to take it to someone that might not have people checking on them. He was making lasagna. (Sorry Dad)

All of these things are really nice, kind ways of letting people you know that you care about them and in the big picture, it is all pretty basic stuff. None of them cost a ton of money and most just cost some time and effort. All of us have really gotten too busy and have failed to be involved with our fellow man. It is the craziest time for sure but one thing I can say is that it is amazing to see people getting back to the basics of life and I pray that this trend sticks.