April Fools!

Here we are folks, April Fools Day 2020! I do love a good prank as long as it is in good taste and no one gets hurt. Yes I will do some ridiculous stuff if I think there will be a laugh at the end of it I hired a young man last year and his first day of work was April 1st. He was a little hesitant. I had to assure him that I would not do that to him. I also have a friend that is pregnant and very few of us know and I think she is planning to announce the pregnancy (which was a surprise to her) on April fools day now that she is in the second trimester. I think that is awesome, appropriate, and going to be fun to watch the responses.

I tried to find the history of April Fools Day where it started, why and where it originated and I did…kind of. There is some controversy when it started and where. How Unpredictable!

You know I want all of you to have a blast with this day as limited as you will be. Please do not tell anyone you have the virus if you don’t that is just too far and that is coming from me, the person who loves to push the boundaries.

In the meantime I am going to plan and scheme because the Little One and Big E need to laugh a little…