
I find this new phenomenon called adulting by the millennials rather intriguing. I pulled this off of Urban Dictionary:Adulting (v): to carry out one or more of the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals (paying off that credit card debt, settling beef without blasting social media, etc). This phrase is often used by people in their 20’s for doing something we think of as everyday things. Paying bills on time, cleaning the house, doing laundry, running to the grocery store. These are normal things. What did we do wrong as a generation that this would now be a “thing.”

I know we want to say its the kids and that is partially true however, we raised them, right? We love them, take care of them, when did we start going too far? I found on another blog a 30-year-old man who was so proud of himself for “Adulting” and here is what he listed for advice for adulting. 1) Exercise daily, 2) stop looking for handouts,3) listen more than you speak, 4) sleep 8 hours a day, 5) stop getting sh*t faced, 6) take full responsibility for your life, 7)educate yourself daily, spend less than you earn,8) have passions other than Netflix and Xbox, 9) don’t be a d*ck, 10)work on something you love, 11) use social media responsibly, 12) have goals, 13) don’t let Mommy and Daddy make decisions for you, 14) be polite and 15) do what needs to be done.

Whew! That is a long list. Funny thing is as much as I do believe we have done something wrong in raising this generation (obviously we held their hands too much.) I know a handful of middle-aged people that could use this advice too! Maybe they don’t need the whole list but certainly a part of it. Honestly, who doesn’t struggle with being polite sometimes?

Maybe Adulting isn’t really a new thing after all and the Millennials are just more open about the struggles of everyday life. Yes, they want credit for doing the mundane but you know what? Some days I do too. Yeah for Mom who washed the dirty clothes, bought groceries, put them away, fix dinner and then washed the dishes! Woo hoo! But that doesn’t happen. I had a friend that would reorganize cabinets or the linen closet whatever it was and she would leave the doors open so her work could be admired. She would even grab her husband and say check this out so he didn’t miss it. Very clever AND funny!

There are bloggers and You Tubers and books on how to “Adult” maybe I’ll pick one up and see if I am missing something after all of these years. I’ll get to it as soon as I pay the bills, do the laundry, walk the dog, make dinner, etc….