Tic Tok Talks Sex

I have become a pretty large fan of TicTok during this pandemic. I am amazed and amused by the things people will put on social media to entertain themselves and others. The dances are extreme and funny. I love to see a gal my age kicking it on the moves that the kids think she shouldn’t be able to do. There are some absolutely amazing musicians and singers! Of course, there are plenty of comedians or people who think they are funny. The amount of people discussing sex in one way or another is riveting. *Warning to my Mom and Aunt Pat you may want to stop reading now.

There is one redneck that gives some advice on “How to Treat your MILF in the Bedroom” most recently he told the men to do three things to their MILF 1) Pull her hair, 2) smack her butt and tell her “good girl” and 3) he gave very specific instructions on how to choke your MILF. I have to go back and watch him some more… for research purposes. There is a Phyllis Diller type gal that talks about “Freaky Shit Men like” that is both hilarious and true! She said, “men like to role play so throw on that Wonder Woman costume spin around and tie him up!” Both of these people are interesting looking characters so I am wondering if they are putting into practice in their real lives what they are filming. I’ll go watch some more and find out…for research purposes of course.

There are people dancing like strippers of all sizes. The big ole boy who jumps out of his truck and shakes his groove thing like he is part of the Magic Mike gang is awesome! Who knew a big guy could move like that? There are a couple of plus size gals shaking what their Momma gave ’em and letting people know that sexy comes in all sizes. I love it, I am no discriminator of size at all. You think you are sexy, then you probably are, it is all in the attitude girl! (or guy) Several fellas on there have posted who needs more tacos, tequila, tattoos, and orgasms. Who doesn’t? Duh!

All of this, however, takes me back to a discussion that we have had before on this site. What makes people so bold as to talk about something most people keep pretty private on social media? Sooner or later the world will return to normal. I am not really sure I would want to be at the grocery store walking along pushing my cart and have someone yell, “Hey, aren’t you the lady on Tic Tok that told us about the taint? She talked about it, where it is and what to do to it. And although I took very careful notes I just don’t think I would want to be her after the restrictions are lifted.

My girlfriends and I can have some pretty interesting conversations in private. Not sure our significant others would approve but we have known each other forever, there is the circle of trust, and the guys are not there so anything is up for grabs too bad for them, but it is in private. I would imagine the guys have their own chats. They go something like this: Hey John how did you get that black eye? John: well I was choking my gal just like the guy on Tic Tok said I should…

I told you all from the beginning we would chat about anything and everything on here and now I believe we have. I would love to know what you think about this particular phenomenon. It has shocked the hell out of me as I keep scrolling to see what else someone has the nerve to put on social media. I hope you got a chuckle out of today’s post… I have to get back to my research.