May 2020

I Miss Random Conversation

I have been so desperate not to talk about the VIRUS lately that I find myself asking people the most random questions. The more off the wall the better and the funny thing is, they answer me! I can say something totally off topic and I get an answer. No…

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My Friend Mike

Let me tell you about my friend Mike. I think if you asked him if we are friends he would chuckle first and then say yes as I would. Why the laugh? Well because Mike and I actually butt heads a lot. And I mean A LOT! He is very…

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I Beg Your Pardon

I beg your pardon, I never you promised you a rose garden, along with the sunshine there’s got to be a little rain sometime… you guys remember that song? Boy oh boy has that been true lately. Many ups and downs and not knowing what is going to come next….

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Living in a Bad Movie

Do you feel like you are living in a bad movie that will never end? You know one of those movies that was made and produced on a shoestring budget and it goes on and on and on but you keep watching because it has potential and you wish they…

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Laughing at Ones Self

Hey, y’all! I received an interesting response to yesterday’s post – Did you tell me to Shut Up? I received a handful of messages telling me to “shut up” or I am sorry I told you to “shut up.” All of which I found very humorous. Thank you for reaching…

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Soul Mates or Hard Work?

Do you believe in soulmates? That there is just one person that is waiting for you somewhere and he/she is “the one” you are supposed to be with and they will full fill you in every way? Call me jaded but I don’t believe in this theory. I don’t think…

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