January 2020

Confession of Self Care Mishap

Why Did I do this? Here it is confession of self care mishap! Check out those nails and I promise the other hand is just as bad. I’ve been going to get my nails manicured every three weeks, I get them French because it lasts one week longer than color…

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It Takes All Kinds

When someone is my friend I am all in. I mentioned my Amigas and I think what would be interesting to some is how different we are. I know I am totally going to get in trouble for this post and that’s o.k. I’ve been in trouble with them before…

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Fearless on Social Media Part 2

Here is part 2 as promised. First let me start with this: I am not declaring a political party on this site. I will keep most of my political opinions to myself. But I am shaking my head over the fearlessness of people on social media regarding the way they…

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Self Awareness

I wrote on the 6th about boundaries and how hard they used to be for me. I think a huge part of that is because of lack of self awareness. Good ole Webster says self awareness is: Conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires. There is a…

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Why is this marked self care? Because I love to laugh! And I know that if I go for a while without laughing I get moody and down in the dumps and a little grey. Not cool especially for the people who live with me. In December 2017 I lost…

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Types of Friendships

I got on Facebook to introduce this blog and I was able to “see” a lot of people that I have not been in touch with for quite some time. It was nice to see the response when I sent out request. A couple of people said I have been…

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Adult Child at Home

I have got to admit I am struggling with this one. I have an amazing young adult child back at home. Earned not one but two academic scholarships for college which made going to school much more affordable and earned an her degree in mechanical engineering a field that doesn’t…

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Do you have trouble with boundaries? I know I used to. It was awful. I was the worst people pleaser you ever met. I would bend like world class gymnast to make things happen for everyone but myself to the detriment of myself ad my schedule. At one point I…

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